Jun 29, 2011

.:{ Book Review - A Place Called Blessing }:.

When I received this book, I wasn't quite sure what it was about. It turned out to be a story following the life of a boy named Josh. At a young age, Josh and his brothers lost their parents. After going into the foster system, Josh was separated from his two older brothers and left to be on his own. The book goes on to talk about Josh turning eighteen and learning to live in the "real world". He is even after finding work, Josh is on the verge of being homeless. Josh's life turns when he meets co-worker and his mother who take him in. They helped Josh by supporting him and giving him unconditional love. The new people in his life has given him a "blessing". Josh was able to face his personal battles and learn to live a full life.

I really enjoyed reading this book and believe this would be a great gift to give a High School Senior or even a College-aged young adult. I would not recommend this book to young or immature teenagers. This book isn't something to be taken lightly.

I review for BookSneeze®


  1. mike and anne are mother and son not husband and wife you may need to read the whole thing next time

  2. Oh my gosh! Thank you for pointing out my error. I'm actually reading a few books at one time. You are correct about that. I will change the review.
