Aug 10, 2011

.:{ Book Review - Rumors Of God }:.

Many people today have a difficult time seeing God in today's world. The amount of stress, materialism and selfishness we see today can give way to those already lacking in faith. Even those who have faith may have days were they just don't see God.

Rumors of God was written by two Australian men of faith, Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson, who wanted to help people see where God is in today's world. They wrote of in spiritual stories of personal experience as well as things that have happened in the world. These men of faith are trying to teach us where to find our strength from God, where to place our faith and not in materialistic things that we seem to value today. To me, I think of going back to the way life was when everything was simple. The need for the latest technology, the biggest house or even the high fashion clothes we crave are ways that we need to realize are not how God wants us to lead our lives. The title of the book points us out to realize that God is basically becoming a rumor, or even an old fad that is disappearing. True faith is becoming endangered. What will be your first step to gaining your faith? What will you do to help with the reality of God becoming just a rumor? What is there in your life that is stopping you from remembering God? These are the questions that come to mind from reading this book. But remember, actions always speak louder than words.

I review for BookSneeze®

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a fantastic book to help open our eyes!

    Great review!

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